Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Gout Home Remedy

A popular gout home remedy that seems to actually work for many gout sufferers is to drink cherry juice. Many people who suffer from gout have found that cherry juice helps to reduce the severity and the frequency of gout attacks. In fact several gout sufferers have been able to stop taking their medication as a result of the amazing effects of cherry juice on gout. However it is recommended that you speak to your doctor first before stopping any medication.

One of the more terrible symptoms of gout is intense pain, this can be relieved using medication, however gout medication tends to have terrible side effects. This is why thousands of gout sufferers look for alternatives, such as this gout home remedy. Cherry juice is a good choice because it can relieve the sufferer of gout symptoms without the side effects of medication.

If you intend to use cherry juice as a gout home remedy, make sure the juice comes from tart cherries. Tart cherries contain flavonoids and anthocyanins, which have a positive affect on gout.
Drinking cherry juice on a daily basis is probably the best way to use cherry juice as a gout home remedy. Gout sufferers who do this find that this greatly reduces the frequency of gout attacks. It even has a positive affect on gout sufferers who do not drink cherry juice everyday. If cherry juice is consumed as soon as the gout attack starts, the length and severity of the attack is greatly reduced.

Research is currently being carried out into the effects of anthocyanins and flavonoids and it looks promising. It seems to prove that cherry juice actually does have a positive affect on gout. Although studies are still ongoing.

If you are a gout sufferer you may want to try cherry juice as a gout home remedy. But if you are currently taking medication for gout you are strongly advised that you speak to your doctor before you stop taking medication and trying this gout home remedy.

What is Gout? To discover the answer and get more information on this condition visit our website today!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Simon_Bannon

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