Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Integrity: Doing What is Right BECAUSE It is the Right Thing to Do

Integrity is: Doing the right thing because it is the right thing to do.

Integrity is NOT: simply standing by your own ideals just to be rigid.
The dictionary defines integrity as: Adherence to a strict moral or ethical code.
Adherence to strict moral and ethical reasoning is different than sticking by something you just believe in solidly or choose for you desires. Moral and ethical codes have within them a sense that these ideal transcend individualized agendas and instead are codes which apply to a wider group than just yourself.

Why do I bring up integrity ? Because all to often we get so focused on our own agenda, our own goals that we forget to take time to verify if we are doing "what is right" along the way.

Becoming wealthy can be quite a noble venture-- especially when the one becoming wealthy plans on using that wealth to assist others. But, gaining wealth my dishonesty, or any other means of compromising ones character, does not justify the end result.

An example of living on target for integrity's sake is : Andrew Carnegie. Andrew Carnegie became America's richest immigrated citizen after years and years of hard work. At age 65 he sold his company and devoted his remaining years to giving away his wealth. He funded the building of over 2,000 libraries within the English speaking world. And gave away somewhere close to $350 million total to those needing various forms of assistance.

One reason I like Andrew Carnegie: he was honest about hard work. He was once interviewed and asked if he had ever had a clue his life would turn out the way that it had. His response was something to the effect that had he known all that lay before him -- he might never have been able to get up on any given day. BUT you see-- he did get up. And he did what was before him each and everyday, for the right reasons and to the best of his ability.

Again, integrity means doing the right thing simply because it is the right thing to do.

Some quotes I'd like to share with you on integrity follow:
** The most important persuasion tool you have in your entire arsenal is integrity. ~ Zig Ziglar
** We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence. But they hesitate, waiting for the other fellow to make the first move--and he, in turn, waits for you. ~ Aristotle
** Integrity is not something that grownups have and adolescents can aspire to. Integrity is something that all of us, at all ages, are constantly striving for. ~ Harold Kushner

What are your dreams? How are you going about their achievement? When you come up to the choices and the challenges-- be sure to take the path of integrity. You may get there faster by an alternate route; however, if you take the path of integrity you will like yourself enough to enjoy your dreams once they come true.
Until next time--- all the best,
About The Author

Kate Hufstetler is a well established business & personal coach who has helped many individuals like yourself to beat "the blues" and gain control over their lives. Her clients come from both the United States and overseas. She offers coaching services via email and phone consultations at flexible timing and financing to meet your every need. Through personal, business, spiritual mentorship, she could help you too! Please visit for available packages within your range:

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Pembangunan Modal Insan Di Malaysia : Analisis Terhadap Gagasan Islam Hadhari

Ditulis oleh Prof. Madya Mohamad Kamil Ab. Majid
Friday, 28 December 2007
Index Artikel

Pembangunan Modal Insan Di Malaysia : Analisis Terhadap Gagasan Islam Hadhari
Halaman 2 , Halaman 3 , Halaman 4 , Halaman 5 , Halaman 6 , Halaman 7 , Halaman 8 , Halaman 9 , Halaman 10 , Halaman 11 , Halaman 12 , Halaman 13 , Halaman 14


Sepanjang sejarah Malaysia daripada era klasik (1400) hingga kepada era selepas merdeka (1960-2000), Islam telah menjadi force utama yang membawa perubahan kepada masyarakat Melayu. Merujuk kepada politik hukum1 dan pengubalan dasar awam di Malaysia2, fungsi Islam ini tidak terhad kepada pengamalan ritual semata-mata tetapi turut menjadi inspirasi and mekanisme utama yang diterapkan ke dalam sesuatu dasar awam. Hal ini antara lainnya boleh dikesan dari pengenalan Dasar Penerapan Nilai-nilai Islam di dalam pentadbiran negara yang kemudiannya diikuti dengan pelbagai program Islamization, yang membuahkan hasil yang cukup memberangsangkan di dalam pelbagai dimensi;

1. penerapan nilai-nilai Islam di dalam jentera pentadbiran kerajaan;3
2. pembaikian terhadap sistem perundangan Negara yang lebih bersesuaian dengan prinsip- prinsip Islam;4
3. Penambahbaikan pelbagai agensi yang berkaitan dengan Islam,5
4. pengubalan dasar pendidikan negara yang lebih bersesuaian dengan semangat Islam6;
5. penerapan nilai-nilai Islam di dalam organisasi politik masyarakat Melayu7;
6. pengenalan dasar domestic and luar negara yang lebih bersimpati dengan masyarakat Islam8
7. penubuhan pelbagai institusi keislaman bentuk baru, seperti Bank Islam, UIAM, Takaful, LUTH and banyak lagi.9

Kejayaan program Islamization yang bersifat holistic ini antara lainnya berpunca dari
(i) keterbukaan dan komitmen pihak kerajaan (actor politik) yang menerima pandangan ataupun desakan daripada NGO Islam dan
(ii) perancangan yang bersistematik yang disusun oleh pihak kerajaan, seperti penubuhan Badan Perunding Islam yang terdiri daripada pelbagai pakar Islam dari dalam and luar negeri.10

Selepas kemenangan majority pihak kerajaan dalam Pilihanraya 2004, sekali lagi slogan and dasar Islam yang mirip kepada dasar Islamization ini telah ditimbulkan, dengan nama Islam Hadhari – yang cuba memperkukuhkan dasar lama dengan pendekatan baru; menerapkan elemen proaktif bagi melahirkan tamadun Malaysia yang lebih berteraskan nilai-nilai Islam.

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...Maximum Productivity Happens When You Develop Positive Attitudes in Your Human Capital...

Maximum productivity happens when your human capital is working like a finely oiled machine. Yes, knowledge and skills are important. Knowing what to do is critical in today’s highly competitive global marketplace. However, wanting to do is even more critical. For it is the attitudes and habits of your human capital workforce that will either make or break you.
For you to receive the maximum productivity from your employees or your human capital demands that every one of them has the positive attitudes necessary for maximum performance. You can train for knowledge and skills, but it is much harder to train for positive attitudes and habits.

However, you can have positive attitudes and habits when you develop your people through goal setting and self leadership skills. Very few people come to work thinking how can I mess things up. Yet, these same individuals lack the necessary goal setting and self leadership skills to believe in themselves that they can take the right actions to achieve organizational goals.
Take a few moments to think:

Why the majority of your employees were fired? Was it knowledge and skills or attitudes and habits?

Why the majority of your employees are late in arriving to work? Was it knowledge and skills or attitudes and habits?

Why your company goals are not being achieved? Was it knowledge and skills or attitudes and habits?

Why your products or services are reworked? Was it knowledge and skills or attitudes and habits?

If your answers were more attitudes and habits, then what actions have you taken to redevelop these attitudes? Maybe you sent them to more training about knowledge and skills? For the majority of training and development programs do not address the key reasons why productivity suffers – attitudes and habits.

To ensure maximum productivity demands that you must help to develop positive attitudes in your human capital to avoid firing for bad attitudes.

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