Wednesday, July 2, 2008

...Maximum Productivity Happens When You Develop Positive Attitudes in Your Human Capital...

Maximum productivity happens when your human capital is working like a finely oiled machine. Yes, knowledge and skills are important. Knowing what to do is critical in today’s highly competitive global marketplace. However, wanting to do is even more critical. For it is the attitudes and habits of your human capital workforce that will either make or break you.
For you to receive the maximum productivity from your employees or your human capital demands that every one of them has the positive attitudes necessary for maximum performance. You can train for knowledge and skills, but it is much harder to train for positive attitudes and habits.

However, you can have positive attitudes and habits when you develop your people through goal setting and self leadership skills. Very few people come to work thinking how can I mess things up. Yet, these same individuals lack the necessary goal setting and self leadership skills to believe in themselves that they can take the right actions to achieve organizational goals.
Take a few moments to think:

Why the majority of your employees were fired? Was it knowledge and skills or attitudes and habits?

Why the majority of your employees are late in arriving to work? Was it knowledge and skills or attitudes and habits?

Why your company goals are not being achieved? Was it knowledge and skills or attitudes and habits?

Why your products or services are reworked? Was it knowledge and skills or attitudes and habits?

If your answers were more attitudes and habits, then what actions have you taken to redevelop these attitudes? Maybe you sent them to more training about knowledge and skills? For the majority of training and development programs do not address the key reasons why productivity suffers – attitudes and habits.

To ensure maximum productivity demands that you must help to develop positive attitudes in your human capital to avoid firing for bad attitudes.

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Please feel free to call me, Leanne Hoagland-Smith, Your Chief People Officer and Business Coach, at 219.759.5601, who works with individuals and organizations that are not where they want to be, but believe that they can do better.

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